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Hello, District 4!

My campaign is built on a commitment to address the issues that matter most to you: public safety, infrastructure, transportation, affordable housing, competitive wages, education, and mental healthcare.

First, enhancing public safety is a top priority. Everyone deserves to feel secure in their neighborhoods, and I will work tirelessly to support our law enforcement and first responders while also promoting community-based safety initiatives.

Improving our infrastructure and transportation is essential for our growing district. I will advocate for better roads, public transit, and sustainable solutions that ease your daily commute and connect us more efficiently.

Over the past five years, Hillsborough County has experienced significant population growth. From 2010 to 2020, our population grew by nearly 20%, adding approximately 249,533 new residents during that decade alone. This growth trend has continued in recent years, with an estimated annual increase of about 2% per year, translating to tens of thousands of new residents each year (Data USA) (Plan Hillsborough).

This influx of new residents has had a notable impact on transportation and traffic within Hillsborough County. The increased population has led to higher demand for road space, contributing to congestion and longer commute times. With more people moving to the area, the strain on our existing infrastructure has intensified, highlighting the need for improvements in road maintenance, expansion, and public transit options to keep up with the growing demand (U.S Population).

To address these challenges, I and my team have been exploring various initiatives to enhance its transportation network. These include expanding roadways, improving public transportation systems, and investing in infrastructure projects aimed at reducing traffic congestion and improving overall mobility for residents (U.S Population). The county's focus on sustainable development and infrastructure upgrades is crucial to accommodate the growing population and maintain a high quality of life for its residents.

Affordable housing, I believe affordable housing is a right, not a privilege. I am dedicated to promoting policies that ensure everyone in District 4 has access to safe, affordable homes and the opportunity to earn a living wage. Our workers deserve wages that reflect their hard work and dedication.

Education is the cornerstone of a thriving community. I will fight for access to quality education for all our children and expand mental healthcare services to support their well-being. No one should have to choose between their health and their future.

Community engagement is the heart of my campaign. I believe that our strength lies in our unity, and I am committed to ensuring that every voice is heard and represented in our county government. Your concerns, ideas, and aspirations will guide my actions every step of the way.

Together, we can create a brighter future for District 4. Together, we can create a county where every resident has the opportunity to thrive. The key to prosperity for all is in gainful employment and meaningful wages that keep up with rising costs. A thriving workforce is a key pillar in a successful community! Let's work hand in hand to make our community safer, stronger, and more inclusive for everyone.

Thank you for your support. Let's make a difference together!

Committee to Elect Nicole Payne
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